Spotify Playlists

Spotify playlists to discover new music with.

Whilst I personally abhor what Spotify does to artists, I do think it can help get indie artists discovered. I have created some Spotify Playlists which will be continuously updated over time to provide genres or mood themes for the music Higher Plain Music covers. Just remember if you enjoy a musician’s work, support them. Spotify certainly doesn’t.

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Higher Plain Music is part of the Higher Plain Network – a one-man indie media project. If you like what I do, please consider supporting me via Patreon for as little as $1/£1 a month. In return, you’ll receive additional perks for supporting me, such as behind-the-scenes content and free downloads. You can also donate using PayPal. Sharing the website helps too or using the affiliate buy now links on reviews. I receive a few pence per Amazon sale. All your support will enable me to produce better content, more often. I’d love to make this a full-time media network and your support can make that happen. Thank you.