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Higher Plain Music Forum Launches!

The last two evenings I’ve been beavering away readying our new forum!

You can visit it at or click the link of the left hand side!

This is very much work in progress, but I’ve love it if you could join and help sew the seeds for a nice tight knit community of video game music, alternative artist and game lovers. There is also a section for songwriting and composing, instrument playing and recording and also a small glimpse at a couple of forums the give away a few new projects I’ll be working on over the next few months to start to kick off.

The first of these are Higher Plain Games Challenges which will relate to either online meets that will form a competition, some of which will be recorded for our video channel. The second relates to Higher Plain Music’s musical projects and for that, I shall keep tight lipped but expect something similar to the OCReMix community where people can contribute remixes or arrangements for certain game series or styles. There is still an outside chance of of a HPM net radio but its proving expensive to run and so its on hold for the time being.

I hope you enjoy the forum and let it build and grow into a happy community over the coming months and years.

1 comment

  1. керосин и скипидарная эмульсия от лишнего весаправила питания для спортсменовчтобы похудеть надо много пить водывитамины и микроэлементы для похудения от жирениясредство для похудения ананасыдиета при угревой сыпидиета минус кгза 2 дня я похудела наизлишний вес и бесплодиекак похудеть без диеты и без спортаоперация по удалению желчного пузыря диетасидела на безуглеводной диетебелье для похудения кантотзывы о диете чай мёд кефирсоветы диетолог а маргариты королёвойпятая диетаджесика альба её диетадиета для похудения ягодицмясное безумие вся правда о кремлевской диете иринадиета № 1 рецепты блюд при диете № 1

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